Monday..finish the miss loh's exam paper~
my heart hv litter sad..because i no got least 20 score at exam paper
OMG..i written false answers.. has 1 second..no mood watch movie..==
but i already promise my friend~
so waiting her finish exam then go take bus.
It is my two time come here lol..=p
hv jia yee+ lucas~
At first..me +jia yee want see step up..but suddenly lucas want join we
than he must be at before around 5pm back to college
so we choose hantu ganster..T.T

before watch movie
we go food court ate..=p
because the time movie is 1.30pm+ hugged ==
they two guys ate MCD
i special..=))
i am ate ital mee (i think this food tomato but is spicy==)
but look nice o..=p

this movie has litter bored~
but i like this movie's mean (one malaysia)
and one sentence.
Hv people named 铁头..when hv people fight him head
then he must talked 不痛..一点都不痛
after hv one person take big iron fight him head
then he saw inform + said ..有一点点痛 (him face so funny ><)
i first time with my college together study at hotel (college)
David + bryan teaching me..
when around 1pm we together go ate
i ate..of course is my favorites --ban mee=))
but not delicious==..

me n bryan=))

This is today me..
so hardworking study..><

aduh~~~ be left over last paper leh..
but i already no mood studying==
i want holiday~~~T.T
gambateh la..fighting! fighting!