before exam moral..mami take me go eat 鱼头粉~
and take sister salary..
my mami no go to work..
stay home cooking delicious food=p
hv peppery+sour crab..good~good
+ fresh fish
note:this fish not yet cooking~

+ sweet watermelon jus
this is my dinner..so nice o=)
do envy la~
call your mami cook for u la~hehe^^"

this week exam molar+science..
thx my kongfu panda accompany me study book..so感动..xD
it so cute o><

my bed..OMG~~~so many book~
so random..my 豆豆seeing no..wahaha
then my sister come back ..see her bed many book..i must siap siap lo=p
my english so bad...haiz~~~头痛==
come back home i think cry.. but hungry..go to buy 板面=p
after i forget cry ..because spilled food and then wash my clothes..
..one word.. 衰=="+not mood cry lo...
because reading relationship
so i last post my wear eyeglasses..♥
i know ugly..
but want smile see..也要给点面子我哦><"""
So rAnDoM dAy@@